IRA has left the stage, says Deputy First Minister

SINN FÉIN Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness has stated that he does not know whether the IRA army council remains in existence…

SINN FÉIN Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness has stated that he does not know whether the IRA army council remains in existence.

Mr McGuinness was responding to some unionist calls for all IRA structures to be dismantled to facilitate the transfer of policing and justice powers to the Northern Ireland Executive.

First Minister the Rev Ian Paisley, who is formally opening the Battle of the Boyne site with Taoiseach Bertie Ahern today, has even suggested that a visit by the British monarch to the Republic could hinge on the winding up of the IRA army council.

However, Mr McGuinness was dismissive of such calls.


"Sometimes I am amused at the efforts that are being made by people to drag the IRA of whatever description back into the equation. I think it's pretty pathetic to tell you the truth," he said.

"The IRA have left the stage, they are totally and utterly out of the equation.

"Any attempt to drag them back on to the stage is a big mistake."

Asked about the IRA army council, Mr McGuinness said he did not even know if it still existed.

"I don't believe that the DUP would have come into Government with Sinn Féin on May 8th last year if they thought that the IRA army council represented a threat to the institutions."

When it was put to him that some unionists and others might find it risible that he did not know whether the IRA army council was still in being, Mr McGuinness said his focus was on Government in Northern Ireland.

"I haven't had any cause whatsoever to be in touch with the IRA about anything in the course of the recent while."

Mr McGuinness said the past year of working with Dr Paisley had been "remarkable".

Referring to Dr Paisley's recent visit to Cork, he noted how he was picketed by members of Republican Sinn Féin. "Specifically talking of what Ian Paisley has done over the course of the last year, who is doing more to end division on this island, Ian Paisley or the so-called Republican Sinn Féin protesters? I say give me Ian Paisley any time."

Gerry Moriarty

Gerry Moriarty

Gerry Moriarty is the former Northern editor of The Irish Times