Iran accuses US of trying to obstruct nuclear talks

IRAN: Iran accused the US yesterday of trying to obstruct talks to end a standoff over Tehran's nuclear programme while Washington…

IRAN: Iran accused the US yesterday of trying to obstruct talks to end a standoff over Tehran's nuclear programme while Washington said that its fears had increased because Iranians were present at North Korean missile tests.

Both sides traded the accusations as the UN Security Council wrangled over a resolution to make legally binding demands that Iran halt uranium enrichment, a process which can produce fuel for power stations or bomb material. Iran again rejected international calls for it to scrap nuclear fuel production.

A senior US official said yesterday that Washington's worries about Iran's nuclear capabilities had deepened because one or more Iranians had witnessed missile tests on July 4th in North Korea, which experts say is a key partner in Tehran's missile programme.

Washington, which has accused Iran of having a secret programme to build nuclear arms, says that Tehran and Pyongyang have been collaborating and has expressed concern that cash-strapped North Korea was keen to sell missiles and possibly also atomic material.


Asked at a US Senate hearing about reports that Iranians witnessed the North Korean tests, assistant secretary of state Chris Hill said: "Yes, that is my understanding." It was "absolutely correct" that the relationship was worrisome, he said.

Experts say Iran's Shahab 3 missile has a range of 2,000km (1,240 miles) and is based on a North Korean design. No Iranian comment was available on Hill's statement. Iran has denied the US charges that it has a secret nuclear arms programme, saying it is solely for electricity.

Ita chief nuclear negotiator, Ali Larijani, said that Tehran was still reviewing proposals backed by six leading world powers to end the standoff and wanted talks to solve the dispute.

"But the United States has been trying to create obstacles in the way of talks and a diplomatic solution to this issue," he was quoted as saying.

Iran's case was referred back to the UN last week after it failed to formally respond to the proposals, which include diplomatic and economic incentives to try to persuade Tehran to suspend sensitive nuclear work.

Iran says it wants nuclear talks with European states and President Ahmadinejad sent a letter to German chancellor Angela Merkel on Wednesday. In Washington, White House spokesman Tony Snow accused Iran of buying time. "Certainly, the longer they can drag it out, the more they can develop in the way of capabilities. I see that as kind of a bargaining ploy," Mr Snow told reporters.