Iraq polls can't occur amid violence - UN envoy

It would be impossible to hold elections in Iraq in January if the security situation remains as precarious as it is, UN adviser…

It would be impossible to hold elections in Iraq in January if the security situation remains as precarious as it is, UN adviser Mr Lakhdar Brahimi told a Dutch newspaper in an interview published today.

"Elections are no magic potion, but part of a political process. They must be prepared well and take place at the right time to produce the good effects that you expect from them," Mr Brahimi, architect of the political process leading to elections in Iraq, told NRC Handelsblad.

Asked if it was possible to hold elections as conditions exist now, Mr Brahimi said: "If the circumstances stay as they are, I personally don't think so." "It is a mess in Iraq," Mr Brahimi told the paper.

"The international community, hopefully together with the Americans, must help the Iraqis to clean up this mess. If you let it deteriorate, the situation will become even more dangerous."


His comments were translated from Dutch by Reuters News Agency.