Iraqi government deserves 'support'

Declaration on Iraq: The Iraqi Interim Government needs and deserves "the strong support of the international community", according…

Declaration on Iraq: The Iraqi Interim Government needs and deserves "the strong support of the international community", according to a joint EU-US declaration of support for the people of Iraq, writes Deaglán de Bréadún, Foreign Affairs Correspondent.

The declaration, agreed at the summit meeting in Dromoland Castle, Co Clare, last Saturday, strongly welcomes the unanimous adoption of Resolution 1546 by the UN Security Council, which endorses the formation of the new Iraqi administration.

The declaration also expresses its "full and sustained support" for the interim government's mission to "guide Iraq with the advice and support of the United Nations toward elections no later than 31 January 2005".

The declaration continues: "We support the mission of the Multinational Force for Iraq, including protection of the United Nations' presence, in accordance with the UNSCR 1546 and the invitation of the Iraqi Interim Government. We stress the need for full respect of the Geneva Conventions. We also support the training and equipping of professional Iraqi security forces."


A separate EU-US declaration on "Peace, Progress and Reform" in the broader Middle East and Mediterranean pledges support to those governments and peoples in the region which are prepared "to meet the challenges of modernisation; to advance political, social and economic reforms; to build democracy; and to promote human rights".

However, the declaration adds: "We remain convinced that engagement should be based on partnership and acknowledgement of the importance of local ownership."

On the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, the declaration states: "We reiterate our common vision of two states, Israel and a viable, democratic, sovereign and contiguous Palestine, living side by side in peace and security.

"We welcome and support the efforts of governments in the countries concerned to contribute to a settlement of this conflict, including the announced intention of Israeli withdrawal from all Gaza settlements and from parts of the West Bank which can be a step towards achieving the two-state solution and has the possibility of restarting progress on the Roadmap."