Ireland donates €1m in aid to Middle East

Emergency funding of €1 million has been granted in relief assistance to war-stricken Lebanon and Palestine.

Emergency funding of €1 million has been granted in relief assistance to war-stricken Lebanon and Palestine.

Minister of State for Development Co-operation and Human Rights Conor Lenihan said the funds would go to meet the growing humanitarian needs due to the crisis.

Around €500,000 in humanitarian relief will be made immediately available for Lebanon and €500,000 in support to Palestine.

"Ireland shares a strong sense of solidarity with Lebanon and its people, not least as a result of our long history of involvement with the UNIFIL peacekeeping force," Mr Lenihan said.


"We are also very concerned at the serious humanitarian situation in Gaza and the Occupied Territories."

Israel today launched more air strikes on southern Lebanon amid warnings it could launch a full-scale ground invasion.

Mr Lenihan said the Government was extremely concerned at the large number of civilian casualties and the continued destruction of essential infrastructure.

"We will continue to exert our influence directly with the parties and within the EU and at the UN to end the crisis and encourage a return to political negotiation," he said. Over 400,000 Lebanese people have been displaced from their homes.

"I want to respond immediately to enable our partner organisations to implement their emergency response on the ground. We have been staying in close contact with our key partners — the Government of Lebanon, UN Agencies, the Red Cross and NGOs — to identify their priority needs," he said.