Ireland from the Air

Ireland never has been explored in such a diversity of vehicles as during the last few months

Ireland never has been explored in such a diversity of vehicles as during the last few months. For years, of course, the Irish Tourist Association has been urging us, one and all, to "See Ireland First," but whereas, in other times, thousands of people left the ports of Dublin, Dun Laoghaire and Rosslare every summer to spend their holidays in England or Scotland, or, still farther afield, in some of the continental countries, they are at home this year - possibly for the first time - and the methods by which they have chosen to see their own green and pleasant land are about as varied an assortment as they possibly could be. Every kind of vehicle, from a stout pair of walking shoes to one of Irish Airways' twenty-one seater aeroplanes, has been put into commission this summer. Almost every train leaving the Dublin terminals since the beginning of June has carried its complement of hikers. Some hardy spirits did not even bother about any conveyance - except, perhaps, for a tram to the outskirts of the city - and from there they have been advancing like a small army north, south, east and west across the length and breadth of the country.

The Irish Times, September 2nd, 1940.