American Ireland Fund president’s salary rose to €641,903 last year

Kieran McLoughlin was paid $154,583 bonus by philanthropic organisation

Kieran McLoughlin, second from left, at the annual conference of the Worldwide Ireland Funds in 2015. Photograph: Don MacMonagle

The salary of American Ireland Fund president and chief executive Kieran McLoughlin rose 12 per cent last year to $668,928 (€641,903).

New documents lodged by the philanthropic organisation with the US tax authorities show Mr McLoughlin’s basic salary was $445,783 in 2015.

The Dublin man was paid an annual bonus of $154,583, almost double that of the previous year.

The fund is part of the Worldwide Ireland Funds that were founded in 1976 by Sir Anthony O'Reilly and former US ambassador to Ireland Dan Rooney.


They have raised more than $500 million for causes both in Ireland and around the world.

Returns for 2015 show the Fr Peter McVerry Trust received $1.58 million towards the purchase of new houses and refurbish existing housing stock.

The fund also provided $1.15 million in funding to the Music Generation project which U2 also supports.

The returns show that Dublin universities UCD and Trinity College were the big winners in the grants provided – UCD received funds of more than $6.1 million and TCD received $4.63 million.

Taoiseach Enda Kenny spoke at AIF’s Washington Gala event in Washington last year.

Gordon Deegan

Gordon Deegan

Gordon Deegan is a contributor to The Irish Times