Brother of Princess Diana to appear at Dublin Festival of History

Earl Spencer is best known for his famous eulogy at his sister’s funeral in 1997

Kevin McGee viewing ‘Efforts & Ideals; Prints from The First World War’ at Dublin City Gallery The Hugh Lane, Parnell Square, Dublin as part of Dublin Festival of History, 2014. Photograph: Dara Mac Dónaill /The Irish Times

The late princess Diana's brother Charles Spencer is to appear at the Dublin Festival of History tomorrow night.

Earl Spencer has written a book about the execution of Charles I following the English Civil War in 1849, Killers of the King:The Men Who Dared To Execute Charles I. He will be interviewed by Prof Jane Ohlmeyer, Erasmus Smith's professor of modern history at Trinity College Dublin.

For the festival, 66 works painted during the first World War will go on display in the Hugh Lane Gallery for the first time.

They were donated to the gallery in 1917 and depict scenes from the battle and domestic fronts. They have never been displayed in public before.


The British government commissioned the works. Copies were sent to the Hugh Lane Gallery but the curator said they would not be displayed given the political situation following the execution of the leaders of the Easter Rising. The festival runs until October 8th.

Ronan McGreevy

Ronan McGreevy

Ronan McGreevy is a news reporter with The Irish Times