Burglar fell to his death from roof of house, inquest hears

Gardaí believe Dublin man was involved in robbery at Clondalkin property when he died

Gardaí told the Coroner’s Court in Dublin that a Dublin man was likely involved in a robbery when he fell from the roof of a house. Photograph: Dara Mac Dónaill

Gardaí believe a Dublin man who was found dead in the back garden of a vacant property fell from a Velux window on the roof while involved in a robbery, an inquest has heard.

The body of Michael Geraghty (47), from Michael Collins Park, Clondalkin, were discovered behind a terrace of vacant houses at Station Grove, off Station Road in Clondalkin on August 31st, 2015.

Mr Geraghty sustained a diffuse brain injury and multiple fractures to his ribs, upper right arm and wrist as a result of the fall.

His body was surrounded by tools, Garda Kieran O’Dwyer told Dublin Coroner’s Court. The discovery followed a spate of robberies and vandalism in the partially finished estate.


Investigating gardaí believe the man may have been “spooked” and attempted to climb onto the roof to avoid detection.

Garda O’Dwyer said it was possible to stand on the cistern in the attic bathroom to climb out the window. “It’s believed he climbed out through the skylight of number seven,” he said.

The window at the neighbouring house was smashed, the court heard.

“I can only surmise he was in the property for the reason of taking items, he heard some noise that lead him to believe he’d been detected in the property,” Garda O’Dwyer said.

A boiler had been removed from a cupboard in the kitchen and was left on the counter top “ready to go”, the court heard. A live fuse box had also been removed from the house.

Phillip Daly was with caretaker Andrew Rowe boarding up windows following reports of loud banging from the property when the body was found.

The previous week, he said he had seen Mr Geraghty at Station Grove. “He fell over the door and onto the ground. He walked off towards the garage. I rang the guards. It was the same guy, 100 per cent,” said Mr Daly.

Mr Geraghty died due to head, chest and limb trauma consistent with a fall from a height while intoxicated on a mix of anti-depressant and anti-anxiety medications and methadone, the inquest heard.

The combination of drugs affected his coordination and made him more likely to lose his balance and fall, Coroner Dr Myra Cullinane said, returning a misadventure verdict.