Cheap Fills: The rise of unregulated cosmetic procedures in Ireland

In the News: What is driving surge in demand for dermal fillers among women in Ireland?

Treatments are being marketed by unqualified people with little awareness of the risks. Photograph: iStock

Over the past few years, cosmetic procedures among many young women have become very popular. Dermal fillers, which are predominantly used to give women fuller and plumper lips, are in particularly high demand.

However, this treatment is not without its risks. Dermatologists and plastic surgeons have expressed serious concerns about the boom in dermal fullers and warn the treatments are being marketed by unqualified people with little awareness of the risks.

"Some of these treatments are incredibly cheap, for not much more than the cost of probably a night out you can pop in somewhere at lunchtime and come out with a whole new face," Irish Times features writer Jennifer O'Connell told the In the News podcast. "Some of the people who are advertising it on Facebook will say things like that. They'll say change your face over your lunch break."

Today we look at the explosion in popularity of cosmetic treatments among young women and ask, what risks are involved when it comes to changing the structure of your face?


In The News is presented by Sorcha Pollak and Conor Pope

You can listen to the podcast here:


Sorcha Pollak

Sorcha Pollak

Sorcha Pollak is an Irish Times reporter and cohost of the In the News podcast