Complaint about Al Porter received by mental health service

Comedian at centre of sexual misconduct allegations ‘cannot comment on legal advice’

Al Porter: has also stepped down from his role in the Christmas pantomine at the Olympia in Dublin. Photograph: Debbie Hickey/Getty

A complaint has been received by St Patrick’s Mental Health Services over allegedly inappropriate behaviour by comedian Al Porter, the service said.

The incident is alleged to have occurred while the comedian was visiting St Patrick’s Mental Health Services in Dublin in 2015 and to have involved a student in his mid-20s.

On Sunday, following a report in the Sunday Times about the comedian, the service issued a press release saying it had received no such complaint.

However in an "update" released on Tuesday, which named Mr Porter, the service said it has since received a complaint.


“The organisation is currently investigating the complaint in line with its policies and procedures.”

It said it would not be commenting further until the investigation was complete.

Mr Porter declined to comment when contacted for a response on Tuesday. “On legal advice I cannot comment.”


On Sunday, Mr Porter resigned from his position with Today FM and said he had at no time intended to upset anyone.

“While my conduct, which had been in keeping with my flamboyant and outrageous public persona, may be regarded as offensive and unacceptable by many people, I at no time intended to upset anyone,” he said in a statement.

“Up until now I had been unaware of these complaints or the impact of my conduct, and I am truly sorry for any distress I may have caused in what I had regarded as light-hearted and good-natured circumstances.”

Mr Porter has also stepped down from his role in the forthcoming Christmas panto in the Olympia in Dublin.

Actor Rory Cowan, who played Rory Brown in television sitcom Mrs Brown's Boys until July this year, is to replace him.

Colm Keena

Colm Keena

Colm Keena is an Irish Times journalist. He was previously legal-affairs correspondent and public-affairs correspondent