Cork council seeks views in €1bn docklands development

City Docks and Tivoli Docks offer huge housing and jobs potential says Lord Mayor

Cork’s newly elected mayor Cllr Tony Fitzgerald is opening the public consultation as part of his stated aim to help make Cork a more participative and connected city.

Cork City Council will this week seek the views of locals on a planned €1 billion redevelopment of more than 200 hectares of land adjacent to the River Lee.

The council envisages a major redevelopment of the City Docks close to the city centre and the Tivoli Docks further downstream as part of the Cork City Development Plan. It is holding a series of workshops at the Clayton Hotel on Tuesday.

According to a Cork City Council spokeswoman, the plan aims to provide some 9,500 housing units and 29,000 jobs in the city centre and around the City Docks.

Cork's newly elected mayor Cllr Tony Fitzgerald is opening the public consultation in his first week in office as part of his stated aim to help make Cork a more participative and connected city for the benefit of all of its citizens.


“These two docks areas, 160 hectares in the City Docks and 61.5 hectares at the Tivoli Docks, present the city’s greatest opportunity for creating new neighbourhoods for our existing citizens and for those who choose to move here to work in the future,” he said.

Among the infrastructure issues to be addressed at the workshops will be the proposed Metropolitan Cork Rapid Transit System and the provision of a new Eastern Gateway Bridge at Tivoli.

The City Docks and Tivoli Docks, which has a 3km water frontage, “are unique brownfield development sites with the potential to create vibrant urban communities connected by transport links”, said a Cork Council spokeswoman.

Barry Roche

Barry Roche

Barry Roche is Southern Correspondent of The Irish Times