Dead bird in ‘extremely dirty’ storage area among latest reasons for food safety closures

Hemp operation in Dublin city served a closure order concerning its food business

Environmental officers served closure orders, under the FSAI Act 1998, on four premises last month. Photograph: iStock

A food stall in Co Tipperary which stored some foodstuffs in an adjacent “extremely dirty” derelict building, where a dead bird was found, was among four businesses served with closure orders last month for breaches of food safety legislation.

A hemp operation in Dublin city was served with a closure order concerning its food business for reasons including placing potentially unsafe food products on the market, including certain products containing Cannabidiol CBD.

The Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI) reported on Wednesday that a closure order was served, under the EU (Official Controls in Relation to Food Legislation) Regulations, 2020 on J2 Sushi & Bento at 75 Main Street, Swords, Co Dublin. The order required the preparation and sale of sushi and sashimi cease over failure to comply with food safety laws, including not having controls to address risks associated with storage and preparation of sushi and sashimi.

An order under the 2020 Regulations was also served on Hempture and Hempland, at 6,6a,7 and 7a Abbey Street Upper, Dublin 1, the FSAI said. The order required all activities of the food business, its establishments, holdings or other premises and the internet sites and social media sites operated by the food business be ceased for the purpose of placing food on the market.


The reasons for that order included failure to ensure the competent authority had up-to-date information on the range of activities taking place at the establishment and the placing of unsafe food on the market.

Contamination risk

Environmental officers served closure orders, under the FSAI Act 1998, on two other premises.

One of those, served on Johnny’s Grub Hub, concerned a food preparation and cooking shed adjacent to a food stall situated at Pickardstown, Tramore, Co. Waterford. The order was served for reasons including contravention of regulations on the hygiene of food stuffs. There was no wash hand basin with hot and cold water in the shed and an oven was stored on the floor, which could cause food contamination.

A similar order, served on Good Coffee Matters Food Stall, trading at Drumkeen, Roscrea, Co Tipperary, concerned a derelict building adjacent to the food stall which was used for storage of food and toilet facilities. There was no running water to the toilet which thus could not be flushed, creating a risk of food contamination, and a dead bird was also found on the premises.

One prohibition order was served, under the FSAI Act, 1998, on Heaney Meats Catering Co Limited, Liosban Industrial Estate, Co Galway

That order was served for reasons including some meat product was made with raw material product that was past its use by date, dates of freezing could not be established for other items and use by dates had expired on others.

FSAI Chief Executive Dr Pamela Byrne warned food businesses they have a legal responsibility “to act responsibly and ensure food they provide to customers is safe to eat”.

“There is no excuse for behaviour which has the potential to put consumers’ health at risk. We are once again appealing to all food businesses to ensure they are fully compliant with food safety procedures and hygiene legislation. Consumers have a right to safe food and in turn, food businesses have a legal requirement to ensure they provide is safe to eat. “

Closure Orders and Improvement Orders will remain listed in the enforcement reports on the FSAI website for three months from the date when a premises is adjudged to have corrected its food safety issue, with Prohibition Orders listed for a one month period.

Mary Carolan

Mary Carolan

Mary Carolan is the Legal Affairs Correspondent of the Irish Times