Death of man in Dublin doorway is not suspicious, gardaí say

Man’s body discovered outside Starbucks on Westmoreland Street on Sunday morning

Gardaí outside Starbucks on Westmoreland Street in Dublin following the discovery of a man’s body. Photograph: Alan Betson/The Irish Times

Gardaí have said that they are not treating the death of a man found in the doorway of the former Bewley’s café in Dublin city centre on Sunday morning as suspicious.

A postmortem examination has been carried out on the body of the man, who is understood to have been in his 30s.

The man’s family has been informed of his death, ahead of a formal identification of the body.

The man’s body was found in the doorway of the Starbucks coffee shop on Westmoreland Street, the building which formerly housed Bewley’s Cafe, shortly after 7am on Sunday morning.


However, gardaí believe the man had been dead for a number of hours before his body was discovered and that revellers who passed him in the early hours of Sunday may not have realised he was dead.

Following the discovery on Sunday, a doctor was called to the scene.

The man was then pronounced dead, before his remains were removed to the city morgue for a postmortem.

However, the postmortem had to be delayed by a day because the State Pathologist’s Office had already been tasked with carrying out the postmortems of the 10 victims of a fire which occurred at a halting site in Carrickmines in the early hours of Saturday morning.

Technical examination

Gardaí from Pearse Street station were called to the scene of the man’s death at about 7.20am on Sunday morning.

A technical examination of the scene was then carried out .

One line of inquiry being followed by investigating gardaí is that the man may have died of a drugs overdose.

However, it may be a number of weeks before the results of toxicology tests are known.

“We think this could be an overdose but we probably won’t know for a few days, and even when the postmortem is done you are probably looking at waiting for results of toxicology tests and that could add a few weeks ontothe wait,” a source familiar with the case said.