Defence Force officers’ representative group elects new president

Comdt Luke Foley takes over from Comdt Shane Keogh as head of Raco

Comdt Luke Foley joined the Defence Forces in 2002

The Representative Association of Commissioned Officers (Raco) has elected Commandant Luke Foley as its new president.

Comdt Foley, who joined the Defence Forces in 2002, replaces Comdt Shane Keogh and will serve in the position for two years.

Raco is the representative organisation for Defence Forces officer

He previously served on Raco’s National Executive and as its vice-president and acting president before being elected president by members on Tuesday.


Comdt Foley has previously served in the Defence Forces’ logistics and human resources departments as well as the personal staff officer of the commander of 2 Brigade.

The Dublin man currently commands the 2 Brigade training centre and has completed a masters in International Relations.

Conor Gallagher

Conor Gallagher

Conor Gallagher is Crime and Security Correspondent of The Irish Times