Detail of GRA pay offer: what is in it for gardaí?

Labour Court calls for immediate reinstatement of rent allowance for new recruits

Members of the GRA have been offered the reinstatement of their rent allowance and also a payment for attending briefings. Photograph: The Irish Times

The Government is expected to accept the pay proposals set out by the Labour Court to the Garda Representative Association.

The proposal put forward by the court is worth several thousand euro for individual gardaí.

The terms include:

The immediate reinstatement of the €4,000 rent allowance for Garda recruits and also a recommendation that the value of the allowance increase to €4,500 to reflect pressures in the rental market.


This will apply from the date the proposals are accepted.

The court is also recommending a new €1,459 payment for gardaí to attend briefings prior to starting their shifts should also be introduced from January 1st, 2017.

The Labour Court has recommended rank-and-file gardaí receive a new €15 payment for every day of annual leave to reflect the fact that operational requirements mean that gardaí cannot always take their leave when requested. Most gardaí have 34 days annual leave.