Dog with untreated tumours abandoned outside sanctuary

Dogs Trust Ireland shares video of Beau being tied to gatepost at midnight in Dublin

CCTV has captured a female Rottweiler, who was later found to be in need of medical attention for tumours and an ear condition, being abandoned in the middle of the night at Dog Trust Ireland's rehoming centre in Finglas, Dublin.

Dublin-based Dogs Trust Ireland has released a disturbing video of a dog being abandoned, tied to a gatepost outside the Dogs Trust sanctuary in the middle of the night.

The female Rottweiler is clearly affectionate in the video, out walking with two unidentified people. They calmly approach the main gates of the compound in Finglas before dropping the dog’s lead over a metal barrier.

The charity has been working in Ireland since 2005 and its mission is to bring an end to the destruction of stray and abandoned dogs through a national responsible dog ownership campaign.

The video shows the dog is distracted, sniffing out her surroundings, as the two turn and walk away, before breaking into a trot when they get to the corner of the road.


The video cuts to a scene seven hours and 39 minutes later by which time the Rottweiler is lying on the cement ground, still tethered to the metal post. As staff arrive for work in the dark, the displays her affectionate tendencies show and she gives them a great welcome.

Eimear Cassidy, assistant operations manager with Dogs Trust Ireland said it was just before 7.30am when she found the dog, since named Beau, attached to the gates.

“She was immediately friendly and very pleased to see me, which made it even more upsetting when I reviewed the CCTV footage and saw she had been abandoned just before midnight”.

Cassidy admits she “burst into tears when I realised, she had spent over seven hours in the cold, on her own, just lying there, especially given the fact that we have an emergency number stuck to the gate”.


Sadly there is no “happily ever after” ending to report, at least as yet. As Cassidy said: “It wasn’t until I took her indoors into the light, that I saw the tumours hanging from her undercarriage and that her head was tilted to one side.”

Upon veterinary examination, it was discovered that Beau had a chronic ear condition that appeared, like her tumours, to be untreated, leaving her in enormous discomfort and causing her head tilt.

In order to decide on the best course of veterinary treatment, the charity has sent off samples from Beau’s various tumours for laboratory analysis to see if and how they can be treated, but they are worried about her prognosis.

Becky Bristow, executive director with the trust said everyone was very saddened by what happened to Beau.

She appealed to anybody who is having difficulties with their dog to please contact the centre. “We are not here to judge you and we will do our upmost to help you, whatever your circumstances are, because we want to avoid cases like Beau happening in the future,” she said.

Given the number of complicated veterinary cases that have arrived into the care of the charity over the past number of months, Dogs Trust said it fears its vets bills will be higher in 2021 and they will be relying on the generosity of the public to help them care for abandoned dogs .

They have set up a sponsorship programme online seeking help with the 138 dogs currently in care.

Beau is not available for adoption as her prognosis is uncertain at the moment until more information on her health is ascertained through the outcome of tests.

Tim O'Brien

Tim O'Brien

Tim O'Brien is an Irish Times journalist