Dublin libraries to stock kits to test home energy use

Scheme aims to encourage house-owners to become more aware of their energy usage

The kits include a thermometer, a humidity meter, a radiator key, a thermal leak detector and a plug-in energy monitor

Kits to allow home-owners monitor their energy usage and insulation levels are to be made freely available across Dublin’s library network.

The Home Energy Saving Kits, which were developed by the Dublin energy agency Codema, are made up of six practical tools which address three key areas of energy use in the home – space heating, hot water and electricity consumption.

Initially only available in 10 libraries during a pilot project which started last year, the scheme is being widened to include all 21 libraries in the city.


The new phase of the project is being backed by the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI), who will work with Codema and Dublin City Public Libraries to evaluate the impact the kits have on Dublin households’ energy usage.


As part of the next phase, the SEAI will also focus on how to encourage home-owners to improve their home’s energy efficiency and will ask those who borrow the kits to complete feedback questionnaires, to get a sense of how the kits are being used.

The kits come in a foam-padded suitcase and include a thermometer for measuring the temperature of fridges and freezers, a humidity meter, a radiator key, a thermal leak detector and a plug-in energy monitor.

Conor Pope

Conor Pope

Conor Pope is Consumer Affairs Correspondent, Pricewatch Editor