Extra €100 fuel allowance payment to be paid to 371,000 households this week

Some 45 per cent rise in gas and electricity prices putting pressure on budgets

The total cost of the extra payment amounts to €37.1 million, which is paid out of the Exchequer. Photograph: Getty Images

The extra fuel allowance payment worth €100 per household will be paid this week.

Some 371,000 household will benefit from the payment which is the equivalent of more than three weeks fuel allowance for these households.

The Government approved the additional lump sum payment of €100 to be paid to all households who were in receipt of the fuel allowance from the Department of Social Protection in the last week of the fuel allowance season which was the week commencing 4th April 2022.

The total cost of the extra payment amounts to €37.1 million, which is paid out of the Exchequer.


The annual rise in the rate of inflation of 7 per cent last month, according to the Central Statistics Office (CSO), is the highest since 2000.

It has largely been driven by rises in the cost of energy and fuel. Electricity, gas and other fuels were up over 45 per cent year-on-year. Within this category electricity prices were up 28 per cent, while gas prices rose by over 50 per cent. Home heating oil has soared by 90 per cent in just 12 months.

The Minister for Social Protection Heather Humphreys said the Government is "deeply conscious" of the impact of rising energy costs on households.

“We know that the cost of living is a big concern for people, particularly our elderly and most vulnerable. I know that this additional support will alleviate the concerns of many families dealing with these rising costs on households,” she said.

She said the €5 increase in the weekly payment introduced as part of the Budget last October and the €125 lump sum payment provided earlier this year, together with the €100 extra payment means that low-income households will now see an overall increase of 55 per cent in fuel allowance support provided during the most recent fuel allowance season as compared to the previous season.

Ms Humphreys also said that people who may be depending on a social welfare payment each week or who may be working and on low incomes may qualify for an exceptional or urgent needs payment to help with their heating needs.

The €100 fuel allowance payment will be paid automatically this week. It is not necessary to apply for the payment. It is in addition to the €100 electricity credit, announced by the Government earlier this year.

Ronan McGreevy

Ronan McGreevy

Ronan McGreevy is a news reporter with The Irish Times