Farmer dies in slurry tank accident in Co Cork

Father of two pronounced dead at scene after being overcome by fumes

The 37-year-old father of two was overcome by fumes when working on a slurry tank at his family’s farm at Cahermuchee, Kealkill outside Bantry

Gardaí are to prepare a file for the coroner's court following the completion of a postmortem on the body of a man killed in a farm accident in West Cork.

Mike McCarthy (37) died after being overcome by fumes while working at a slurry tank at the family home at Cahermuckee, Kealkill near Bantry at about 5.30pm on Friday.

Mr McCarthy’s father Teddy tried to rescue him but also began to succumb to the fumes and was unable to retrieve his son from the tank. He then raised the alarm.

HSE paramedics and units of Cork County Fire Service from Bantry arrived at the scene and attempts were made to resuscitate Mr McCarthy.


However, he was pronounced dead at the scene and his body was removed to Cork University Hospital where a postmortem was carried out yesterday morning.

Meanwhile, the Health and Safety Authority were also notified of the accident and HSA inspectors have begun their own separate investigation into Mr McCarthy's death.

Mr McCarthy, who was very involved in the local St Colum’s GAA club in Kealkill, is survived by his wife, Siobhan and children, Cathal (6) and Aoife (18 months) and parents, Teddy and Mary.

He is also survived by his brothers, Gene, Seamus and Timothy and his sisters, Marie, Helen, Sheila, Caroline and Christine.

Mr McCarthy will be buried at Kilmacomogue Cemetery near Kealkill following mass at the Church of the Immaculate Conception at noon on Tuesday.

Barry Roche

Barry Roche

Barry Roche is Southern Correspondent of The Irish Times