Foul play ruled out in case of man’s death in north Cork

State Pathologist Office was asked to carry out postmortem as a precautionary measure

Gardaí will prepare a file on the man’s death for the coroner’s court. File photograph: The Irish Times

Gardaí investigating the death of a man whose body was found in his flat in Mallow in north Cork have ruled out foul play following the receipt of postmortem results on Sunday afternoon.

Gardaí had requested the services of the State Pathologist’s Office following the discovery of the man’s body in a flat on Bridge Street in the centre of the town at around 5pm on Saturday.

Gardaí requested a postmortem as a precautionary measure and Assistant State Pathologist, Dr Heidi Okkers carried out a postmortem on the dead man, who was aged in his 60s, at Cork University Hospital this morning.

Gardaí have begun door to door inquiries and spoken to the man’s relatives as well as harvesting CCTV footage from the Bridge Street area as they try to establish when the man was last seen alive.


A Garda spokesman confirmed that gardaí would include both the postmortem results and witness statements in a file on the man’s death that they would prepare for an inquest at the coroner’s court.

Barry Roche

Barry Roche

Barry Roche is Southern Correspondent of The Irish Times