Frost to make reappearance as autumn arrives

Nip in the air as temperatures forecast to fall

Frost will make a reappearance in rural areas although ice will not be a problem because the ground is still warm after the recent mild weather and glorious summer. Photograph: Eric Luke/The Irish Times

It might be time to finally break out the woollies and turn the heat back on as Autumn has arrived with a bang, albeit slightly later than normal.

Met Éireann says it will feel much cooler today and tomorrow with temperatures dropping to to between 4 and 7 degrees.

Frost will make a reappearance in rural areas although ice will not be a problem because the ground is still warm after the recent mild weather and glorious summer.

A spokeswoman for Met Éireann said temperatures are returning to normal levels for October but that it would be a “bit of a shock to the system” for people after the unusually mild temperatures of last week.


“It was abnormally mild last week with temperatures more reflective of last August. Mean air temperatures last week were four degrees above normal for the time of year. For the past two weeks temperatures have been above normal,” she said.

They are forecasting crisp Autumn sunshine up until Sunday with dry conditions for most of the country.

Winds will be mainly northeast to east and mostly light or moderate in strength, although occasionally fresh on eastern and southern coasts.