Full text: David Drumm judgment at US bankruptcy court

Former Anglo Irish bank chief denied write-off of more than €19m in debts

File photograph of former Anglo Irish Bank chief executive David Drumm has been denied a write-off of more than €10 million in debts by a judge at a US bankruptcy court.

Former Anglo Irish Bank chief executive David Drumm has been denied a write-off of more than €10 million in debts by a judge at a US bankruptcy court.

Below is the judgment issued by the United States bankruptcy court in Massachusetts:

“For the reasons set forth in the separate memorandum of decision issued today, the Court hereby sustains the objections to discharge asserted by the plaintiffs in each of Counts 1-20,22,24-26,30,34,42, and 47-49 (as enumerated in the memorandum of decision), dismisses the remaining counts, and, on the basis of the thirty objections sustained, hereby denies to the debtor and defendant, David K. Drumm, a discharge in the above entitled bankruptcy case.

Frank J Bailey


United States Bankruptcy Judge

January 6th 2015

Simon Carswell

Simon Carswell

Simon Carswell is News Editor of The Irish Times