Funerals for boys who drowned in Clare to be held over two days

‘Inspiring and funny’: Tributes paid to 15-year-olds Jack Kenneally, Shay Moloney

Jack Kenneally and Shay Moloney. Photographs: Facebook

Two teenage boys who died following a swimming incident at a quarry near Ennis, Co Clare, will be laid to rest on consecutive days beginning tomorrow, Sunday.

The funerals of Jack Kenneally (15) and Shay Moloney (15) will take place at Ennis Cathedral. The young men are believed to have drowned after getting into difficulty while swimming at the quarry on Thursday afternoon.

The removal for Jack Kenneally, of Waterpark Heights in Ennis to the Ennis Cathedral takes place tonight, Saturday at 7.30pm with funeral mass on Sunday at 11.30am.

The young man's friend, Shay Moloney, from Hazelwood in Ennis, is reposing at his grandparents' home before removal to Ennis Cathedral for funeral mass on Monday at 11am. Both young men will be laid to rest at Drumcliffe Cemetery in Ennis following requiem masses.


Tributes to the “inspiring and funny” friends were paid yesterday to the pair, who formed part of the Ennis Rugby Club U-15 squad.

In a statement from Ennis RFC, its president Richard Murphy described the boys as a the “heartbeat of the squad”.

“They were the guys that lead from the front, the guys that carried the fight, the guys that made the difference.

“As well as developing into exciting rugby players, both Jack and Shay were developing into fine young men who were a credit to their family and friends.As resolute and fearless as they were on the pitch, they were as funny, engaging and inspiring off the pitch. Our club was a better place for having them as part of it and their absence will be keenly felt.”

The boys were swimming with a group of friends when they got into difficulty at the disused quarry in Knockanean in Ennis at around 3.30pm on Thursday afternoon.

It is understood that one of the boys got into difficulty and the other tried to assist him.

Emergency services were called to the scene and reportedly searched for 40 minutes before finding them.

The teenagers were recovered from the water and taken to University Hospital Limerick but were later pronounced dead.