Gardaí seize estimated €157,500 worth of cocaine in separate Cork searches

Two men (20s) arrested in separate operations carried out in the Ballincolling area

The drugs will be sent to Forensic Science Ireland for analysis. Photograph: iStock

Gardaí seized an estimated €157,500 worth of cocaine and arrested two men in separate seizures in Cork on Monday.

In the first operation gardaí stopped and conducted a search of a car on the Inniscarra Road, Ballincolling, at about 6.45pm.

During the course of the search, €35,000 worth of cocaine was located in the vehicle.

A man in his 20s was arrested and is being detained under the provisions of section 2 of the Criminal Justice (Drug Trafficking) Act 1996 at Gurranabraher Garda station.


Later at about 9pm, in a separate operation, gardaí conducted a search at a residential property in Highfield Park, Ballincolling. During this search, cocaine worth an estimated €122,500 was discovered.

A man in his 20s was arrested and is currently detained under the provisions of section 2 at Bridewell Garda station.

The drugs will be sent to Forensic Science Ireland for analysis.

Gardaí said investigations are ongoing.

The seizures were part of Operation Tara, an enhanced national anti-drugs strategy, which was launched by Garda commissioner Drew Harris last July. The focus of Operation Tara is to disrupt, dismantle and prosecute drug trafficking networks involved in any way in the sale and supply of controlled drugs.

Tim O'Brien

Tim O'Brien

Tim O'Brien is an Irish Times journalist