Garda investigation after baby found in pram in Tralee cemetery

Infant believed to have been left behind in cemetery after gathering several hours earlier

It is expected investigating gardaí will speak to those who attended the initial gathering. File photograph: Getty Images

Gardaí are investigating a case where a baby was found alone in a pram in a cemetery in Tralee, Co Kerry.

It is understood the infant was left in the pram alone for several hours, one Garda source said.

A gathering had taken place in the area earlier at Rath cemetery, which later dispersed, at which point it was believed the pram and child were left behind.

A Garda spokesman confirmed officers in Tralee attended an incident at Rath cemetery on Thursday morning. “A baby was located in a pram and at this time investigations are ongoing,” he said.


The child, who is less than one year old, was later reunited with family members.

It is expected investigating gardaí will speak to those who attended the initial gathering at the cemetery, and the family members of the child.

Jack Power

Jack Power

Jack Power is acting Europe Correspondent of The Irish Times