Gardaí appeal for information on Donegal father and son who died

Daniel and Damien Duffy died days before Christmas in suspected murder-suicide

The father and son were buried together last week in Ramelton following their funeral mass at St Eunan’s Cathedral in Letterkenny. Photograph: NW Newspix

Gardaí have appealed to motorists who may have given a lift to the father and son involved in the suspected murder-suicide in Co Donegal just days before Christmas.

Daniel Duffy (88) and his son Damien (50) were found dead at their Letterkenny home on the afternoon of December 23rd.

Daniel Duffy was found inside the home while his son was found in a car in a shed at the rear of the house at Windyhall.

It is understood gardaí are working off the theory that Damien smothered his father and then took his own life.


The results of a postmortem carried out on Christmas Eve by the State Pathologist’s office have not yet been released.

Milford-based Garda Sgt Niall Maguire said they are seeking any drivers who may have been in contact with either men. “We would like anybody with any information on this incident to come forward” he said.

“In particular, anybody who spoke with either male in person or by telephone or who provided transport or taxis who may have called to the house at Windyhall, Letterkenny, on the 22nd or 23rd of December to please come forward.

“If you can help us, specifically people who may have spoken to them or may have given them lifts on the 22nd or 23rd of December, then please contact the gardaí in Letterkenny.

“We need to investigate as thoroughly as we can so we can assist the professionals in the future to prevent something like this from happening again,” he added.

Both men were buried together last week in Mr Duffy’s native Ramelton following their funeral mass at St Eunan’s Cathedral in Letterkenny.

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