Gardaí investigate death of woman in Co Cork

State Pathologist expected to carry out postmortem on Saturday

Gardaí said they will let their investigation be guided by the results of the postmortem into a woman’s death in Co Cork.

Gardaí are keeping an open mind on the death of a woman in her 30s in Co Cork and say a post-mortem examination will determine the course of the investigation into her death.

The body of the woman was found in the sitting room of her house at Richmond Court in Bandon where she lived with her three children aged between 3 and 10.

The children discovered their mother unresponsive this morning around 9am and raced to a neighbour’s house and the neighbours in turn alerted the emergency services.

Paramedics attended to the woman but she was pronounced dead and gardaí under Supt Liam Horgan of Bandon Garda Station have begun an investigation into her death.


The woman’s body has been removed to Cork University Hospital for a postmortem and gardai have requested the services of the State Pathologist’s Office.

It's expected that State Pathologist, Dr Marie Cassidy will carry out a postmortem on Saturday and its results will determine the course of the gardai investigation.

Gardaí have cordoned off the house and garda technical experts have begun an examination of the scene in a bid to try and establish what exactly happened.

Gardaí have also begun door to door inquiries in the area and it’s understood that the woman was last seen alive on Thursday night.

Gardaí have appealed to anyone who has any information that can assist them in their investigation to contact Bandon Garda Station on 023-8852200.