Gardaí investigate suspected homophobic attack in Portlaoise

Man who suffered serious facial injuries claims he was beaten up because he is gay

Gardaí in Co Laois are investigating the alleged assault in the Harpurs Lane part of Portlaoise. Photograph: Bryan O’Brien

Gardaí are investigating a suspected homophobic attack in which a man was brutally beaten with a hurley stick and sustained serious facial injuries.

Collie McQuillan (30) says he and his Brazilian-born husband Gui Aquino Teixeira McQuillan (24) were beaten up by a group of men who set upon them as they walked home from a barbecue in Portlaoise.

Mr McQuillan has posted a photograph of himself following the attack and appealed for donations to do emergency dental work.

His jaw was fractured in two places, he has two missing teeth and two teeth which are split in half. His jaw has also been wired.


Mr McQuillan has set up a gofundme account to raise €4,000 which he says is half the cost of the dental work he needs.

The attacked happened at approximately 2.30am on the morning of June 10th in the Harpurs Lane area of Portlaoise.

He wrote on his gofundme page: “I was savagely attacked by a group of people which cause extensive damages to my face and jaw and teeth which resulted in myself being transferred from Portlaoise Hospital to St James’s Hospital Dublin.”

Mr McQuillan said he and his husband were walking home when a group of men shouted comments at them from across the road.

His husband was attacked and Mr McQuillan sustained his injury trying to protect his husband. He believes the assault was a homophobic one.

His husband Gui posted on his Facebook page: "It never comes to your mind that this could happen to you or to someone close, till it does.

“My husband and I were savagely attacked by 4 men carrying hurls and pieces of wood, without a reason. He’s got the most severe injuries. His jaw is all fractured and he lost 4 of his front teeth. So with the physical pain, came the depression.

“We still can’t believe that this happened, what kinda of people does that? We just don’t understand.”

Gardaí confirmed that they are investigating the incident. A spokesman said: “Gardai in Laois are investigating an alleged assault in the Harpurs Lane part of Portlaoise on Sunday the 10th of June 2018 at approx. 2.30am. One male was taken to St James Street Hospital with serious facial injuries.”

Ronan McGreevy

Ronan McGreevy

Ronan McGreevy is a news reporter with The Irish Times