Gardaí rule out foul play in Cork fire which killed woman (89)

Alarm raised when woman’s carer called to house and found fire in the kitchen

The woman’s body was removed to Cork University Hospital for a post-mortem examination. Photograph: Alan Betson/The Irish Times

Gardaí have ruled out foul play in the death of a pensioner in a house fire in Cork after a technical examination confirmed the blaze started accidentally.

Mary Moynihan (89) died in the blaze which broke out at her house at Laurel Wood on the Model Farm Road in the city's western suburbs at about 9pm on Monday night.

The alarm was raised when Ms Moynihan’s carer called to the house to assist her going to bed and discovered a fire in the kitchen area.

An ambulance and three units of Cork City Fire Brigade attended as did an ambulance.


Ms Moynihan was pronounced dead at the scene by a local doctor.

Her body was removed to Cork University Hospital for a postmortem examination.

Firefighters spent almost three hours bringing the blaze under control and making the building safe.

Barry Roche

Barry Roche

Barry Roche is Southern Correspondent of The Irish Times