Give me a crash course in . . . Donald Trump’s attitude to women

Can the Republican presidential candidate do women any more wrong?

Talk to the Donald hand: Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks during a campaign rally on March 29th in Janesville, Wisconsin. The state’s primary is on April 5th. Photograph: Scott Olson/Getty Images

Can Donald Trump do women any more wrong?

He is certainly going to try. You would think that since 1920, when women got the vote in US national elections, they might be worth courting. Not so, it seems.

The Donald, as the US Republican presidential candidate styles himself, seems intent on manhandling himself into the US presidential hotseat without a female care in the world.

What has he done now?


Trump said last week that, if the procedure is banned in the US, women who seek abortions should be subject to “some form of punishment”.

His conversation with Chris Matthews on MSNBC went like this: "Do you believe in punishment for abortion – yes or no – as a principle?" (Matthews)

“The answer is there has to be some form of punishment.” (Trump)

“For the woman?” ( Matthews)

“Yeah, there has to be some form.” (Trump)

“Ten cents, 10 years, what?” (Matthews)

“That I don’t know.” (Trump)

Trump later recanted his comments, but not before a lot of damage had been done and his approval ratings among women took another nosedive.

Isn’t abortion legal in the US?

Abortion is legal following the 1973 US Supreme Court decision in Roe v Wade, but it may be restricted by individual states to varying degrees.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton called Trump's remarks "horrific and telling". The anti-abortion movement was horrified too.

March for Life said: “No pro-lifer would ever want to punish a woman who has chosen abortion.” The National Right to Life Committee noted it has never supported penalties against women who undergo abortions.

Describing himself as “pro-life”, Trump said he supported a theoretical ban on abortion with the doctor performing the procedure held responsible – not the women having the abortion.

"My position has not changed: like Ronald Reagan, I am pro-life with exceptions," he said.

Trump has previously said he is opposed to abortion except in the case of rape, incest and when the life of the mother is at risk.

Of course abortion is banned in Ireland in two of Trump's abortion circumstances.

Unless a woman’s life is in danger, she does indeed face a 14-year jail term as a punishment for procuring an abortion here.

The Donald and The Laydeez

Nobody says it better than Mr Trump so, with no further ado, here is a taste of his bons mots:

"I would never buy Ivana any decent jewels or pictures. Why give her negotiable assets?" on ex-wife Ivanka, Vanity Fair, 1990

"You know, it doesn't really matter what [the media] write as long as you've got a young and beautiful piece of ass." Esquire, 1991

“Are you going to have more kids?” “I think so, yeah.” “Why?” “Because I like kids. I won’t do anything with them, but I’ll supply the funds and she’ll take care of the kids, right?”

“You’re disgusting, you’re disgusting.” In response to a woman lawyer facing Trump in court, who asks for a break to pump breastmilk for her infant daughter, July 2015.

“If Hillary Clinton can’t satisfy her husband, what makes her think she can satisfy America?” – Tweet, @realdonaldtrump

“I think the only difference between me and the other candidates is that I’m more honest and my women are more beautiful.”

“Love him or hate him, Donald Trump is a man who is certain about what he wants and sets out to get it, no holds barred.”

And finally, unsettling fathers and daughters everywhere . . .

“You know who is one of the great beauties of the world according to everybody? And I helped create her. My daughter, Ivanka. She’s 6ft tall. She’s got the best body. She’s hot. I’ve said if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her.”