Has the Black Lives Matter movement changed anything in Ireland?

In the News Podcast: More needs to be done at a policy level to tackle racism in Ireland

Amanda Adé, co-presenter of the Black and Irish podcast, says the death of George Nkencho in Dublin was a wakeup call for many people.

In June 2020 thousands of Irish people took to the streets of Dublin calling for an end to racial injustice.

The protest was sparked by the recent murder of George Floyd in the US and in the weeks that followed, black Irish people and Irish people of colour started speaking publicly about the racism that they had endured growing up, living and working in this country.

Seven months later, the conversation around race made headlines in Ireland again when 27-year-old George Nkencho was shot dead by gardaí outside his home in Clonee, Dublin, on the December 30th, 2020.

Amanda Adé, co-presenter of the Black and Irish podcast, says the incident was a wakeup call for many people.


On today’s In the News podcast, she talks to Sorcha Pollak about what has changed since the protests in Dublin in support of the Black Lives Matter movement last June and how her own life has changed as result of her activism.

Also in this episode, assistant professor of law at Dublin City University, Bashir Otukoya, on why more needs to be done at a policy level to tackle racism in Ireland.

In the News is presented by reporters Sorcha Pollak and Conor Pope.