Home of Kiss star Gene Simmons raided in child porn investigation

Bassist not under suspicion as police believe he may have been a victim of hacking

Gene Simmons of Kiss. Photograph: Kristian Dowling/Getty Images

Police in Los Angeles have raided the home of Kiss bassist Gene Simmons in a child pornography investigation.

The 65-year-old rock star, turned businessman and reality TV personality, is not under investigation, the Los Angeles Police Department has stressed.

Instead, LAPD is investigating the possibility that servers in the Simmons’ home were hacked into to access child pornography.

Lieutenant John Jenal of the LAPD said: "No members of the Simmons family are suspects in the case and were extremely cooperative."


Gene Simmons’ wife Shannon tweeted: “Thanks for your support. We couldn’t be more horrified that someone used our residence for such heinous crimes. Law enforcement is on it. Goodnight and don’t forget to change your passwords!!”

LAPD declined to provide any more details on the investigation saying that it was ongoing.

Simmons’ publicist suggested that the crime may be connected to a break in at the property while he was touring with Kiss.

Authorities requested that Simmons and his family not discuss the case any further while the investigation is underway, his publicist Cheyanne Baker said.

Simmons, along with band mate Paul Stanley, have been the mainstays of Kiss over the last 43 years.

The band had huge commercial success for decades and remain a popular live draw.

They are also one of the most successful merchandising bands in rock music.

Simmons' home is located in Benedict Canyon near Beverly Hills.

The Internet Crimes against Children Task Force investigates crimes involving child predators who may lure children or deal in suspected child pornography.

Ronan McGreevy

Ronan McGreevy

Ronan McGreevy is a news reporter with The Irish Times