Howth lifeboat rescues four people returning from Ireland’s Eye

Strong winds and tide hampered progress on return journey in inflatable dinghy

Howth RNLI rescued four people in an inflatable dinghy. Photograph: Howth RNLI/Facebook

Howth RNLI rescued four people in an inflatable dinghy who were struggling to make it back to shore against strong winds and tides on Saturday.

The alarm was raised shortly before 7pm when when the inshore lifeboat responded to reports that the dinghy crew were struggling to return from Ireland’s eye to Howth Harbour.

Weather conditions at the time gave good visibility but there was a strong southerly wind and a powerful tide at the location.

The volunteer lifeboat crew quickly located the dinghy which was having difficulty in making progress back to the harbour. The four people aboard were all said to be wearing life jackets and in good spirits.


Speaking following the callout, Stephen Harris of Howth RNLI said the organisation was “delighted to help”.

He noted the four people all had life jackets and safety gear “but were just not aware that they were not making any headway trying to return to harbour, we were happy to assist and they were extremely grateful”.

Tim O'Brien

Tim O'Brien

Tim O'Brien is an Irish Times journalist