Investigation into death of man in Limerick hospital begins

Middle-aged patient was found on the floor next to his trolley by nurse in mid-December

Despite efforts by staff to try to revive him, he was pronounced dead at the hospital shortly afterwards.

An investigation has begun into the death of a man in University Hospital Limerick last month, who was found on the floor next to his trolley.

The middle-aged male patient, who had been kept away from other patients because of an infection risk, was discovered by an emergency department nurse in an isolation cubicle, sources confirmed.

Despite efforts by staff to try to revive him, he was pronounced dead at the hospital shortly afterwards. The incident occurred in mid-December, though official authorities refused to confirm the exact details.

In a statement, UL Hospital Group said it could not comment on the case because of patient confidentiality, adding that “all serious incidents” are investigated according to established HSE rules.


Later, however, it said: “Insofar that there is an inquest into the death of a patient, the cause of death will be determined by the Coroner. UL Hospital Group will as always fully comply with the Coroner if and when required.”

The hospital did not comment on claims in a report in the Limerick Leader, by a “high-ranking medical source” that the patient suffered a broken neck.

It is not known whether the patient had sustained the alleged injury before or after he was admitted to the emergency department.

Sources said the man, who is believed to have been in his sixties, was found between 3am and 4am by a nurse carrying out a routine patient checks.

“It is being investigated and staff have given statements,” the source said. Hospital managers are expected to meet with the man’s family in coming days, according to sources.