Irish Nobel peace laureate claims kidnap by Israeli navy

Mairead Maguire (72) on boat to Gaza when intercepted trying to breach sea blockade

Mairead Maguire (72), from Belfast, was with 13 activists on a boat about 40 miles from the Gaza shore when it was intercepted on Wednesday as they attempted to breach a maritime blockade imposed in 2007. File photograph: Dara Mac Dónaill/The Irish Times

A Nobel peace laureate has described as kidnap her detention by the Israeli navy as she tried to reach Gaza by sea.

Mairead Maguire (72), from Belfast, was with 13 activists on a boat about 40 miles from the Gaza shore when it was intercepted on Wednesday as they attempted to breach the maritime blockade imposed in 2007.

The yacht, Zaytouna-Olivia, was not carrying aid, and travelled from Barcelona to Sicily and on to Gaza in a symbolic attempt to challenge Israel’s refusal to let Palestinians freely use the port.

Ms Maguire, 1976 Nobel peace prize winner for her work to unite communities in Northern Ireland, pre-recorded a video message with other women on the boat expecting to be detained at sea.


‘Kidnapped, illegally’

“We were arrested, kidnapped, illegally, in international waters and taken against our wish into Israel,” she said.

“This has happened to me before. We will be deported and tragically not allowed back to see our friends in Palestine and Israel. This is totally illegal.

“As women from many countries, we uphold our freedom of movement in any part of our world.

“So, for those who can help to call for the release of all those on the women’s boat to Gaza, please do so.

“But even more importantly, because it’s not about us, work for the freedom and human rights, the lifting of the blockade against the people of Gaza and for the freedom for the Palestinian people and peace in the Middle East.

“We can all do this together. It is not a dream. We are here in prison because we care for human rights, for human dignity, for the Palestinian people.”

The Israeli Defence Forces said the boat was intercepted in international waters after “exhausting all diplomatic channels” and that the operation was “uneventful”.

It described the Gaza maritime blockade as lawful and said the women refused to change course when asked.

Others on the voyage, organised by the Women’s Boat to Gaza, were Ann Wright, a retired US colonel; former South African Olympic volleyball player Leigh-Ann Naidoo; Algerian MP Samira Douaifia; New Zealand Green Party MP Marama Davidson, and Swedish Left Party politician Jeannette Escanilla.

Three of the 13 women have been released.

Gaza Freedom Flotilla

In 2010, an unsuccessful attempt by the Gaza Freedom Flotilla to breach the blockade ended when the Israeli military intercepted the MV Mavi Marmara and killed 10 Turkish people after boarding.

At that time Ms Maguire was on a separate boat in the flotilla, the MV Rachel Corrie, and she was subsequently detained and deported.

Israel and Egypt imposed a blockade on Gaza after the Hamas militant group took power almost 10 years ago.

The blockade has stifled the tiny state’s weak economy, but Israel insists it is necessary to prevent Hamas from importing weapons.

The women were detained hours after a rocket strike on Sderot, a southern Israeli town on the Gaza border. Israel targeted a series of Hamas posts in Gaza in response.

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