Irish woman (40s) drowns while swimming in south of France

Department of Foreign Affairs confirms death of woman who was living in Perpignan

Leucate beach on the Mediterranean sea. Photograph: iStock

An Irish woman aged in her 40s who was living in the south of France has drowned in a swimming accident.

The woman who has not been named by the Department of Foreign Affairs was living in Perpignan. According to the French press the woman who was originally from Dublin had just dined in a beachside restaurant at Leucate in the Aude region last Friday.

Both husband and wife decided to go for a swim but both were swept out to sea by a strong rip current, according to reports.

The Department of Foreign Affairs said it is aware of the case and is providing any required consular assistance to the family.


According to French reports there were a number of incidents in the area on the day the woman drowned. Reports said many experienced swimmers were caught out by the rip current.

Rip currents are a specific kind of water current which can occur near beaches with breaking waves.

They are powerful and move directly away from the shore, and is strongest and fastest nearest the surface of the water.

Floating objects, including people, are frequently carried out to just beyond the zone of the breaking waves.

This can be hazardous to people in the water.

Swimmers who are caught in one may exhaust themselves by trying to swim directly against the flow.

Tim O'Brien

Tim O'Brien

Tim O'Brien is an Irish Times journalist