Kenny ‘glad’ ESB and unions to talk on pension deficit row

Threat of power cuts exists from December 16th after unions decided to serve strike action

ESB workers protest about their pensions outside ESB headquarters in Dublin earlier this year. Photograph: Eric Luke/The Irish T imes

Taoiseach Enda Kenny has said he was glad ESB management had invited the unions involved to attend talks next week on the company's pension fund deficit, and the offer had been accepted.

A threat of power cuts exists from December 16th after the ESB group of unions decided to serve strike action on the company in the continuing row over a €1.6 billion deficit in the fund.

“This is a very serious situation that needs to be dealt with between the company and the unions,” the Taoiseach said.

“Clearly I hope this matter can be resolved long before the 16th of December.”


Mr Kenny was speaking before he addressed Young Fine Gael's national conference in Waterford.

Unions met in Dublin yesterday morning to discuss the move to strike after workers voted this week in favour of strike action.

They decided to serve strike notice by Friday next, November 29th, with that notice expiring at 8am on Monday, December 16th. Each union must serve separate strike notice.

Alison Healy

Alison Healy

Alison Healy is a contributor to The Irish Times