Legal action between ‘The Irish Times’ and the London Times settled

‘The Irish Times’ claimed Times Newspapers Ltd (TNL) was infringing its trademark

It was also claimed that the use of the words ‘The Times Irish Edition’ in a new digital Irish edition of the UK newspaper ran the risk of creating confusion with The Irish Times.

A Commercial Court action brought by The Irish Times against the London Times has been settled.

The Irish Times claimed Times Newspapers Ltd (TNL) was infringing its trademark through the use of the words "The Times Irish Edition" in a new digital Irish edition of the UK newspaper.

It was also claimed that the use of those words ran the risk of creating confusion with The Irish Times.

TNL denied the claims or breaching trademark.


An application by The Irish Times for an injunction preventing the use of the words pending determination of the full case was refused by the High Court last July.

Yesterday, Jonathan Newman SC, for The Irish Times, told the Commercial Court the case had settled and the settlement agreement could be handed into court.

In those circumstances, Mr Justice Brian McGovern struck out the case.