Leo Varadkar submits to Vincent Browne TV3 interrogation

Former taoiseach Enda Kenny declined all invitations to appear on the show

Famously abrasive: Vincent Browne will interview Leo Varadkar in the second-last edition of TV3’s Tonight programme

Leo Varadkar is to be interviewed by Vincent Browne on TV3 on Wednesday, the second-last edition of the station's Tonight programme the veteran broadcaster will host ahead of his retirement after Thursday's show.

Mr Varadkar's predecessor Enda Kenny declined all invitations to appear on the show with the notoriously abrasive broadcaster. Browne once suggested that Kenny should kill himself, a comment for which he later apologised.

TV3 said last night that when interviewing Mr Varadkar, Browne would take the opportunity to ask the Taoiseach about his plans for his time in office and what he meant by vowing to represent “people who get up early in the morning”, as well as Brexit. The programme is broadcast from 11pm.