Malahide Sea Scouts blame arson for destruction of boat

Vandalism suspected as wooden boat is set ablaze outside Malahide Yacht Club

The fire which destroyed the Malahide Sea Scouts boat has been described as an act of vandalism. Photographs: Malahide Sea Scouts

Members of Malahide Sea Scouts have said they are “devastated” after one of its longest serving boats was destroyed by a fire.

The fire which took place on Thursday afternoon is believed to have been set deliberately as an act of vandalism. Photographs of the remains show the boat is a total loss.

A spokesman for the Sea Scouts said the boat - a PB 18 dating from the 1970s - was set on fire outside Malahide Yacht Club yesterday where it was out of the water for repairs.

The spokesman said the boat was “vital to us for completing our programme” adding “this vandalism has reduced the ability of Malahide sea scouts to take part in nautical training”


Officially classed as a BP18 and known as “Sandycove” the boat had been enjoyed by hundreds of youngsters who were introduced to sailing and the spirit of adventure , according to club members. .

Sandycove was the 12th BP18 ever built and volunteers had worked to provide and maintain the boat and members said they felt the burning of the boat was an attack on the club itself.

Details of the fire were published on the Sea Scouts Facebook Page and circulated to media Friday. Photographs show flames reaching at least six foot in the air being tackled by fire fighters.

A further photograph showed little remained of the boat other than charred embers.

The Garda Press Office said it was aware of the blaze but gardaí had yet to receive a formal complaint.

Tim O'Brien

Tim O'Brien

Tim O'Brien is an Irish Times journalist