Man dies from suspected sunstroke in Cork city

Foul play is ruled out as cause of death of 45-year-old found in apartment on Lee Road

Gardaí are investigating the death of a man in his forties in Cork city over the weekend. Photograph: PA

The body of a man in his mid-forties has been removed from a house in Cork city amid fears that he may have died of sunstroke.

Cork City Fire Brigade said four units attended the scene of a "serious incident" at an apartment on the Lee Road in the city at 10.30pm on Sunday.

Gardaí and the Ambulance Service also attended at the scene. It is not known who raised the alarm.

The body of the 45-year-old was discovered in an apartment.


It is believed he may have died earlier in the weekend.

Sunstroke is being explored as a possible cause of death in the case. However, no definitive cause of death has been given at this juncture.

Foul play has been ruled out by officers who attended at the scene with the death being treated as a tragic incident.

A postmortem will be carried out at Cork University Hospital.

Sunstroke often occurs as a progression from milder heat-related illnesses such as heat cramps, fainting and heat exhaustion.

But it can strike even if somone has no previous signs of heat injury.

Symptoms include headache, dizziness, lack of sweating despite the heat, red hot and dry skin, muscle weakness or cramps, nausea and vomiting and rapid heartbeat.