Met Éireann warns of ongoing icy cold snap with risk of snow

Coldest temperatures this winter forecast over coming days with lows of -6 degrees

The AA said icy conditions were lingering on roads in some areas and advised drivers to take care on all routes. Photograph: iStock

Drivers have been warned to take extra care as some of the coldest temperatures so far this winter are forecast for Tuesday night, with the likelihood of snow over the coming days.

A status yellow weather warning for ice remains in place in the northeast, covering counties Antrim, Armagh, Down and Derry until 11am on Tuesday.

Saturday saw the coldest night so far this winter with a low of -5.9 degrees in Co Roscommon.

But this is expected to be beaten on Tuesday night, when temperatures fall to as low as -6 degrees in the midlands and northwest.


Met Éireann said that although Tuesday would have some bright and sunny spells, there was an ongoing danger from lingering frost and ice in some areas, creating hazardous conditions.

Dublin is expected to be warmer, with temperatures falling to -1 or -2 degrees on Tuesday night.

Snow is forecast for Wednesday night and Thursday morning as rain moves in from the northwest. Snow will fall in places by Thursday morning, but is likely to turn to sleet or rain on the east coast.

In its detailed forecast, Met Éireann said cloudier conditions would prevail in parts of Leinster and east Munster, with some wintry showers of rain, hail, sleet or snow.

Daytime temperatures

Highest daytime temperatures will be in the range of 1-5 degrees, mildest along the east coast, in moderate northeast winds.

Friday will be cold and mainly dry with sunny spells. Highest temperatures will be 2-5 degrees with widespread severe frost on Friday night.

Met Éireann forecaster Gavin Gallagher said the most likely instances of snow would be in the midlands and the northwest on Wednesday night and Thursday morning.

Highest daytime temperatures are expected to be in the region of 2-4 degrees in light northwest breezes.

The outlook for next weekend is for mainly dry, cloudier conditions, less cold with daytime temperatures of 3-7 degrees on Saturday and 4-8 degrees on Sunday. Frost will be less widespread and less severe.

The AA said icy conditions were lingering on roads in some areas and advised drivers to take care on all routes. “Slow down and keep well back from other road users. Stick to main routes where possible, as they are more likely to have been gritted,” it said.

The AA also reminded motorists of the Level 5 lockdown, which restricts all non-essential travel to 5km.

Tim O'Brien

Tim O'Brien

Tim O'Brien is an Irish Times journalist

Sarah Burns

Sarah Burns

Sarah Burns is a reporter for The Irish Times