More rain and strong winds forecast for Ireland

Ireland escapes overnight severe weather damage as heavy downpours move northeast today

Ireland is set to experience more rain. File photograph: Alan Betson/The Irish Times

Met Éireann has said its weather warnings will remain in place for coming hours as the island seems to have avoided severe flooding and wind damage overnight.

Three weather warnings – for wind, gales and rough sea conditions remain in place, with a status yellow rainfall warning due to end about 2pm. By that time much of the heavy downpours will have moved into north county Louth, Down and Armagh.

East Leinster, which includes, the Dublin region will continue to see scattered showers, some of them quite thundery, throughout the afternoon.

A yellow wind warning for Clare, Cork and Kerry ended at midday, but while winds were gusting at 111km/h at Valentia Observatory in Co Kerry by 9am, there have been no reports of wind related impacts or flooding.


A status orange marine warning for westerly west winds, veering north to northwest will reach gale Force 8 or strong gale Force 9 today. It applies to Irish coastal waters from Carnsore Point to Mizen Head to Loop Head, occasionally reaching storm force 10 this morning between Mizen Head and Loop Head.

A small craft warning remains in place for Force 6 or higher this morning on Irish coasts from Loop Head to Fair Head to Carnsore Point, becoming northerly Force 6 or higher during the remainder of the day.

The outlook for the coming days is for cool and unsettled weather with occasional showers and autumnal sunny spells.

Thursday night will be mostly clear inland, with showers mostly confined to the coasts. Lowest temperatures during Thursday night will be between 5 to 8 degrees, in moderate to fresh north to northwesterly winds.

Friday will see sunny spells and scattered showers. Cloud will increase from the southwest during the afternoon. Highest temperatures on Friday will be between 11 and 13 degrees, in moderate to fresh northwesterly winds.

Saturday will be mainly dry, with good sunny spells and light northerly or variable winds. Highest temperatures will be between 11 and 14 degrees.

Sunday will see rain or showers over the southwest that will ease through the morning, while remaining mostly dry elsewhere. The weather will become a little milder on Sunday, which is forecast to see highest temperatures of 12 to 16 degrees, warmest over Munster.

Tim O'Brien

Tim O'Brien

Tim O'Brien is an Irish Times journalist