More than 3,000 Gran Fondo cyclists to set off from Belfast

Peloton of 3,200 will take part in Gran Fondo Giro d’Italia event this weekend

Members of Team Sky leaving the Titanic Belfast on stage one of last year’s Giro D’Italia. Photograph: Niall Carson/PA Wire

Thousands of cyclists will follow in the wheeltracks of top professionals when they leave Belfast for the inaugural Gran Fondo Giro d’Italia this weekend.

The Gran Fondo – big ride – is in the wake of the successful Grande Partenza of Giro 2104 in Northern Ireland last year when the country went pink in honour of the maglia rosa, the leader's jersey.

The race took in three stages in Ireland before heading to Italy, where Colombian climbing sensation Nairo Quintana wound up on top of the final podium in Trieste.

The event – which is not a race, although that won’t stop people trying – has attracted an international peloton of 3,200 cyclists from rank amateurs to expensively clad Mamils to guest professionals.


Event ambassador Stephen Roche, who won the 1987 Giro d'Italia, will help welcome 400 international riders.

Team Sky's Tasmanian star Richie Porte, a regular visitor to Ireland, will be among the peloton leaving tomorrow from Titanic Belfast. There are two routes. Details and road closure information at