Nearly €36,000 worth of herbal cannabis seized by Revenue

Officers confiscate almost 2kg of narcotic at Dublin Mail Centre in 13 separate packages

Investigations are ongoing as a result on the discovery which was made during routine operations.

Revenue officers at the Dublin Mail Centre have seized 1.8kg (4lbs) of herbal cannabis with an estimated street value of almost €36,000.

The narcotic was  discovered on Tuesday in 13 separate parcels, all of which originated from the United States. They were declared as items such as “model car”, “sweets”, “chocolate” and “Pez dispensers”. All packages were destined for addresses in Dublin.

Investigations are ongoing as a result on the discovery which was made during routine operations.

Between January 1st and February 29th this year, Revenue officers in mail centres countrywide have detected and confiscated drugs with an estimated street value of €1.2 million.


These seizures are part of Revenue’s attempt to crack down on the importation of illegal drugs. If businesses or members of the public have any information regarding smuggling, they can contact Revenue in confidence on confidential phone number 1800-295295.