No reason found for death of woman (23) in hotel, inquest told

Tests detected no trauma or traces of drug or alcohol use in case of Carla Vanduno

A postmortem was unable to establish the reason why a 23-year-old woman died in a Dublin hotel room, an inquest has heard. Photograph: Dara Mac Dónaill/The Irish Times

No reason has been established for the death of a 23-year-old woman who died in a Dublin hotel room, an inquest has heard.

Carla Vanduno died in O’Shea’s Hotel on Lower Gardiner Street on November 18th, 2015.

Ms Vanduno, who was born in Portugal and of Angolan origin, had arrived the previous day on a Ryanair flight from Lisbon.

Her husband Al Mansur (30), from Bangladesh, had booked her into the single occupancy room for two nights and paid with his credit card.


He told Dublin City Coroner’s Court they married in June 2014 but his wife went back to Portugal and spent seven months with her family before returning to Ireland.

Mr Mansur said he met Ms Vanduno on her arrival on November 17th and they went for something to eat. He returned to her at around 7am the following morning and knocked on the door of her hotel room but got no answer.


At 8.30am, he entered the room with the hotel receptionist Shona McNally.

“She just looked like she was asleep,” Ms McNally told Dublin Coroner’s Court.

Ms McNally called an ambulance but paramedics found no signs of life and the woman was pronounced dead at the scene.

“Straight away it was a scene of suspicion,” Store Street based Garda Brian Peters said.

A full technical examination of the room was carried out and CCTV footage was examined. The last contact with Ms Vanduno was with a hotel barman who called to her room at 5.41pm to help her access Wi-Fi.

The next activity at the door was at 6.56am the next day when Mr Mansur arrived. He told hotel staff his wife had an important appointment and he needed to wake her, the court heard.

The last activity on the woman’s phone was around 10.30pm the previous evening and was to contact her family, according to Det Insp Sharon Kennedy said.

State Pathologist Dr Marie Cassidy performed an autopsy and found no evidence of trauma while a toxicology report noted no signs of drug or alcohol use.

The cause of death was undetermined and Coroner Dr Myra Cullinane returned an open verdict in the case.