Number of people on PUP continues to fall, but increase expected

Pandemic payment reopened to new applicants on Tuesday due to new restrictions

Those who usually earn €400 or more per week will be entitled to €350 per week. Photograph: iStock

The number of people on the Pandemic Unemployment Payment (PUP) has continued to fall, however, it is expected that it will rise again with restrictions coming into force.

As of Tuesday December 7th, there were 53,088 people in receipt of PUP. This was a marginal decrease compared to the week previous, when 54,824 people were in receipt of the payment.

A total of 22,310 recipients of this week’s payment were female and 30,778 were male. The county with the most PUP recipients was Dublin.

The wholesale and retail sector, including the motor industry, had the most workers on PUP this week at 8,961.


The accommodation and food services industry was the second worst affected, with 7,905 workers in receipt of the payment.

Administrative and support service activities and the construction industry were the sectors with the next highest numbers on PUP.

The majority of people on the PUP are aged between 35 and 44.

Overall, there has been a massive decrease in the number of people on PUP since the height of the first lockdown. 605,668 people were on payment on 4th May 2020.

However, it is anticipated that the number of people applying for the payment will rise.

Nightclubs are set to close on Tuesday, and restaurants, bars and hotels are bracing themselves for the mass cancellation of Christmas parties and other big events as the six person per table limit is reintroduced.

The PUP scheme was reopened by the government on Tuesday after it was closed to new applicants just a few weeks ago. Five rates of payment linked to previous income will be available.

Those who usually earn €400 or more per week will be entitled to €350 per week.

Workers who earned €300 - €399 per week will receive a €300 payment, those on €200 - €299 will get €250, and those on €151.50 - €200 will get €203, the same rate as jobseeker’s allowance.

A new €150 rate of PUP has also been introduced, aimed at part-time workers who earn under €151.50 per week.