Over 80,000 young people disengaged with youth services due to Covid-19 pandemic

Just 32 per cent of youth workers said they were able to maintain a full service

More than a thousand youth groups closed, and an estimated 7,000 volunteers were also lost during the pandemic.

More than 80,000 young people became disengaged from youth clubs and services as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, according to a new report from the National Youth Council of Ireland (NYCI).

The report outlines how the Covid-19 pandemic led to a reduction in youth services, a decrease in the numbers of youth groups and clubs, and fewer volunteers.

Concerns were also raised about “at risk” youth being difficult to reach during lockdowns.

More than a thousand youth groups closed, and an estimated 7,000 volunteers were also lost according to the report.


Three surveys of 70 young people, 54 managers and 240 youth workers and volunteers formed part of the research. Focus groups of youth workers, volunteers and young people were also used.

Just 32 per cent of youth workers said they were able to maintain a full service.

63 per cent operated a reduced service, and five per cent of respondents shut their service completely.

Nearly 70 per cent of those surveyed reported a decrease in the numbers of young people engaging with their services.

The report estimated that there were at least 80,000 fewer young people engaged with services in comparison to pre-pandemic figures.

Burnout and stress were an issue among people who worked in the sector, and many youth workers expressed concern about not being able to reach young people during lockdowns.

While the majority of services used technologies such as Zoom and WhatsApp, the report warned that some young people’s lack of digital access meant they could not engage.

Half of the staff who took part in the research said young people who are ‘at risk’ or marginalised were difficult to reach during lockdowns.

“Young people were really struggling and could have done with the option of coming into the service in a safe controlled way, but this option was taken away and we were forced to work remotely unless the young person was deemed at ‘crisis’,” said one youth worker who took part in the research.

“Youth workers should be allowed to work from buildings if the area can be controlled in a safe way.”

The report also stated that funding will be required to re-engage young people and to increase volunteer and staff recruitment, training, and support.

A young person who took part in the research said that youth services should have stayed open during lockdowns.

“I mean what they’re doing is actually phenomenal, even like it’s really unheard-of – people going beyond what they need to do, and looking after your mental health, like they’ll stay up all night and help you if you... as long as you need it... I think the Government should recognise that.”