Pipe bomb found in Cork garden was a viable explosive device

Investigating gardaí claim the object had the potential to maim or kill had it exploded

The pipe bomb was found by a family in the garden of their house at Shannon Lawn in Mayfield at about 3.30am. Army experts dismantled it

Gardaí in Cork confirmed a pipe bomb thrown at a house in the city early yesterday was a viable device which could have caused injury or death had it exploded.

Supt Mick Comyns of Mayfield Garda station said Army bomb disposal experts from Collins Barracks said the cylindrical object was a viable explosive device.

“It could certainly have caused serious injury or even death if someone was close to it when it went off.”

It was found by a family in the garden of their house at Shannon Lawn in Mayfield at about 3.30am. They evacuated the building and gardaí moved residents out of nearby houses.


The Army team removed it to a secure area at Collins Barracks where they made it safe before dismantling its component parts to hand over to gardaí.

Garda technical experts are to carry out a forensic examination for fingerprint and DNA evidence.

Gardaí believe it may have been thrown at the house at about 1.30am when the occupants heard a noise of something striking the building.

A Garda source said it appeared that the device bounced back into the garden and was discovered there.

Barry Roche

Barry Roche

Barry Roche is Southern Correspondent of The Irish Times